1. timeSeriesDataSets::AirPassengers_ts
    Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers from 1949 to 1960.
  2. timeSeriesDataSets::BJsales_ts
    Sales Data with Leading Indicator.
  3. timeSeriesDataSets::JohnsonJohnson_ts
    Quarterly Earnings per Johnson & Johnson Share (1960-1981).
  4. timeSeriesDataSets::LakeHuron_ts
    Lake Huron Water Level (1875-1972).
  5. timeSeriesDataSets::Nile_ts
    Flow of the River Nile
  6. timeSeriesDataSets::USgas_ts
    US Monthly Natural Gas Consumption
  7. timeSeriesDataSets::WWWusage_ts
    Internet Usage per Minute
  8. timeSeriesDataSets::a10_ts
    Monthly Anti-Diabetic Drug Subsidy in Australia from 1991 to 2008.
  9. timeSeriesDataSets::airpass_ts
    Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers from 1949 to 1960.
  10. timeSeriesDataSets::ausbeer_ts
    Quarterly Australian Beer Production.
  11. timeSeriesDataSets::auscafe_ts
    Monthly Expenditure on Eating Out in Australia.
  12. timeSeriesDataSets::beer_ts
    Monthly Beer Production.
  13. timeSeriesDataSets::books_mts
    Sales of Paperback and Hardcover Books.
  14. timeSeriesDataSets::bricksq_ts
    Quarterly Clay Brick Production.
  15. timeSeriesDataSets::co2_ts
    Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration.
  16. timeSeriesDataSets::discoveries_ts
    Yearly Numbers of Important Discoveries.
  17. timeSeriesDataSets::economics_df_ts
    US Economic Time Series.
  18. timeSeriesDataSets::elec_ts
    Electricity Production.
  19. timeSeriesDataSets::elecdaily_mts
    Half-Hourly and Daily Electricity Demand for Victoria, Australia, in 2014.
  20. timeSeriesDataSets::elecdemand_msts
    Half-Hourly and Daily Electricity Demand for Victoria, Australia, in 2014.
    msts|17520 x 3
  21. timeSeriesDataSets::elecequip_ts
    Electrical Equipment Manufactured in the Euro Area.
  22. timeSeriesDataSets::euretail_ts
    Quarterly Retail Trade in the Euro Area.
  23. timeSeriesDataSets::goog200_ts
    Daily Closing Stock Prices of Google Inc. (200 Days).
  24. timeSeriesDataSets::gtemp_both_ts
    Global Mean Land and Open Ocean Temperature Deviations (1850-2023).
  25. timeSeriesDataSets::gtemp_land_ts
    Global Mean Land Temperature Deviations (1850-2023).
  26. timeSeriesDataSets::gtemp_ocean_ts
    Global Mean Ocean Temperature Deviations (1850-2023).
  27. timeSeriesDataSets::h02_ts
    Monthly Corticosteroid Drug Subsidy in Australia (1991-2008).
  28. timeSeriesDataSets::hsales2_ts
    Sales of New One-Family Houses (1987-1996).
  29. timeSeriesDataSets::hyndsight_ts
    Daily Pageviews for the Hyndsight Blog (April 2014 - April 2015).
  30. timeSeriesDataSets::ibm_mts
    IBM Sales and Profit Data.
  31. timeSeriesDataSets::ibmclose_ts
    Daily Closing Stock Prices of IBM.
  32. timeSeriesDataSets::jcars_ts
    Motor Vehicle Production (1947-1989).
  33. timeSeriesDataSets::jj_ts
    Johnson & Johnson Quarterly Earnings Per Share (1960-1981).
  34. timeSeriesDataSets::ldeaths_ts
    Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK (1974-1980).
  35. timeSeriesDataSets::livestock_ts
    Livestock (Sheep) in Asia, 1961-2007.
  36. timeSeriesDataSets::marathon_ts
    Boston Marathon Winning Times Since 1897
  37. timeSeriesDataSets::maxtemp_ts
    Maximum Annual Temperatures at Moorabbin Airport, Melbourne
  38. timeSeriesDataSets::mdeaths_ts
    Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK
  39. timeSeriesDataSets::mens400_ts
    Winning Times in Olympic Men's 400m Track Final
  40. timeSeriesDataSets::milk_ts
    Monthly Milk Production per Cow
  41. timeSeriesDataSets::nail_ts
    Nail Prices
  42. timeSeriesDataSets::pedestrian_tbl_ts
    Pedestrian Counts in the City of Melbourne
  43. timeSeriesDataSets::qauselec_ts
    Quarterly Australian Electricity Production
  44. timeSeriesDataSets::qcement_ts
    Quarterly Australian Portland Cement Production
  45. timeSeriesDataSets::qgas_ts
    Quarterly Australian Gas Production
  46. timeSeriesDataSets::sunspotarea_ts
    Annual Average Sunspot Area
  47. timeSeriesDataSets::taylor_30_min_df_ts
    Half-Hourly Electricity Demand
  48. timeSeriesDataSets::tourism_tbl_ts
    Australian Domestic Overnight Trips
  49. timeSeriesDataSets::uschange_mts
    Growth Rates of Personal Consumption and Personal Income in the USA
  50. timeSeriesDataSets::usmelec_ts
    Monthly Total Net Electricity Generation in the USA
  51. timeSeriesDataSets::uspop_ts
    US Census Population Data
  52. timeSeriesDataSets::wineind_ts
    Australian Total Wine Sales
  53. timeSeriesDataSets::wmurders_ts
    Annual Female Murder Rate in the USA
  54. timeSeriesDataSets::woolyrnq_ts
    Quarterly Production of Woollen Yarn in Australia